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Philosophy / McMaster U.
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"Bertrand Russell and Critical Thinking": a special issue of Inquiry: Critical
Thinking across the Disciplines. Vol. ,no. (winter ): – . . .
n John Dewey published a book entitled How We Think in which he
I distinguished a type of thinking which he called "reļ¬ective thought", charac-
terized as "active, persistent, and careful consideration of any belief or supposed
form of knowledge in the light of the grounds that support it, and the further con-
clusions to which it tends."
Dewey proposed that the education of children
develop the habit of this kind of thinking, which he associated with the scien-
tiļ¬c method. His construct has become a widely recognized educational ideal,
under the label "critical thinking". An ideal "critical thinker" is characterized
not only by certain skills but also by dispositions to use the skills appropriately;
see for example the characterizations in Ennis and Facione.
In a paper presented at the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy,
William Hare pointed out that, although Russell does not use the term "critical
this ideal is central to Russell's philosophy. Hare extracted from
Russell's social, political and educational writings a rich conception of critical
thinking, which includes not only skills and dispositions but also attitudes.
Among the skills required for what Russell called "judicial habits of thought"
(PfM ,p.) are the abilities to form an opinion for oneself, to ļ¬nd an impartial
solution, and to identify and question assumptions.
Among the constitutive
John Dewey, How We Think (Boston, New York and Chicago: D. C. Heath, ), p. ; italics
in original.
Robert H. Ennis, "Critical Thinking: a Streamlined Conception", Teaching Philosophy,
(): –; Peter A. Facione, Critical Thinking: a Statement of Expert Consensus for Purposes of
Educational Assessment and Instruction (research ļ¬ndings and recommendations prepared for the
Committee on Pre-College Philosophy of the American Philosophical Association; ERIC document
William Hare, "Bertrand Russell on Critical Thinking", Proceedings of the Twentieth World
Congress of Philosophy, ducH are.htm [visited December
]. Also published in the Journal of Thought , (): – .
Nor is Dewey's book in Russell's personal library in , McMaster U niv ersity.
Hare, op. cit.
dispositions are the habits of impartial inquiry, of weighing evidence, of
attempting to see things truly, and of living from one's own centre (Hare, ibid.),
and a readiness to act in various ways: to admit new evidence against previous
beliefs, to discard hypotheses which have proved inadequate, to adapt oneself to
the facts of the world (ibid.). Russell further identiļ¬ed a critical attitude, which
includes a realization of human fallibility, open-mindedness, a refusal to think
that our own desires and wishes provide a key to understanding the world, and
a tentativeness which proportions one's conļ¬dence in one's beliefs to the evi-
dence warranting them. In his World Congress paper, Hare argued that
Russell's conception of critical thinking anticipates many insights in the recent
literature on critical thinking and avoids many objections which have been
raised against recent accounts of critical thinking. In particular, Russell's
emphasis on judgment embodies the insight that critical thinking cannot be
reduced to a formula which can be routinely applied. Russell urges that critical
thinking must include critical thinking about our own attempts at criticism,
and that it should be constructive rather than destructive. Russell is well aware
of the fallibility of rationality. Further, Russell does not advocate complete
suspension of judgment or complete detachment.
Subsequently, Hare invited a number of Russell specialists to contribute to a
special issue of the journal Inquiry devoted to Bertrand Russell and critical
thinking. Besides an introduction by Hare, a caricature of Russell by Antony
Hare and an abridged version of Russell's essay "A Philosophy for Our Time"
(; Papers ), the issue includes essays by Paul Hager, A. D. Irvine, Howard
Woodhouse, Ian Winchester, Sheryle Bergmann Drewe and Nicholas Griļ¬n.
In "Russell's Conception of Critical Thinking: Its Scope and Limits", Hager
points out that Russell himself did not regard the complex of skills, dispositions
and attitudes identiļ¬ed by Hare as a comprehensive elixir for all situations.
Russell's list of ten commandments for the conduct of life
includes much else.
So does his philosophical method, as Hager analyses it.
Similarly, scientiļ¬c
method as Russell understood it requires skills and dispositions for designing,
carrying out and interpreting experiments which are more speciļ¬c than those
which constitute critical thinking. And Russell's brief description of creative
points to a skill strategy which goes beyond the critical thinking
"My Ten Commandments", Everyman, ,no. ( April ): , .
P aul Hager, Continuity and Change in the Development of Russell's Philosophy (London: Kluwer,
Russell answered a questionnaire on creative thinking in E. D. Hutchinson, How to Think
Creatively (New York, Nashville: Abingdon-Cokesbury P., ), pp. – . Excerpted in B&R, :
Irvine, in "Russell on Indoctrination", explains how Russell reconciled the
fact that education must instill beliefs with his opposition to indoctrination.
The solution is that the educator must propound beliefs for acceptance within
what Russell called a liberal or scientiļ¬c outlook: one which proportions beliefs
to the strength of the evidence for them. A key part of education is thus to
inculcate such intellectual habits as curiosity, observation, belief in the possibil-
ity of knowledge, patience, open-mindedness and even courage. Russell argues
in many places that knowledge advances only through the toleration of alterna-
tive points of view, a position which echoes that of Milton, Locke and John
Stuart Mill. The critical attitude which Russell recommends is compatible with
holding beliefs, but people with this attitude hold them tentatively, in propor-
tion to the evidence for them, and are always willing to consider new evidence
and to subject their beliefs to the standards of reason.
Woodhouse's "In Praise of Idleness: Bertrand Russell's Critical Thinking
about the Global Market" elicits from Russell's collection of essays In Praise of
Idleness ( ) a critique of the contemporary global market ideology similar to
that of the Canadian philosopher John McMurtry.
In these essays Russell cel-
ebrated the contemplative habit of mind which values knowledge for the
immediate enjoyment it brings, as opposed to an exclusively instrumental view
of knowledge as serving goals of eļ¬ciency and money-making. He advocated a
reduction of the work week with no loss of pay, as a means to allow all people
to enjoy the leisure activity of acquiring useless knowledge. A corollary of this
goal is an education of all children in "fearless freedom" (OE ,p.) which
would enable them to question all knowledge claims critically.
In "Russell's Practice of Science vs. His Picture of Science and Its Place in
Liberal Education", Winchester argues that Russell's practice of scientiļ¬c
method was much more interesting and original than his rather derivative
description of it as an activity of accumulating observations and inferring gen-
eral laws from them. Russell's own practice, for example in his work The Foun-
dations of Geometry ( ) and his classic paper "On Denoting" (; Papers
), was to analyse the work of his predecessors in depth so as to bring out its
unsuspected presuppositions, and then to replace those presuppositions with
ones that seemed to be better. Winchester notes that the same method was used
by Einstein in developing his special theory of relativity. The implication for
education is that knowledge of the history of science is much more important
for the development of a scientiļ¬c outlook than Russell acknowledged. This
implication can be questioned, however, on the ground that the disciplines of
John McMurtry, Unequal Freedoms: the Global Market as an Ethical System (Toronto:
Garamond P., ).
geometry, logic and theoretical physics in which the method of identifying pre-
suppositions and altering them proved so fruitful are sciences of a diļ¬erent sort
than such disciplines as organic chemistry, animal ethology and volcanology,
where careful empirical observation under controlled conditions is very central.
Drewe, in "Russell in Context", points out that what Russell called "the
critical outlook" corresponds in many respects to current conceptions of critical
thinking. The skills and dispositions extracted by Hare from Russell's writings,
and listed above, overlap extensively with the skills and dispositions of a critical
thinker identiļ¬ed by Ennis. Russell's advocacy of a habit of impersonal thinking
which enables one to view the belief of oneself and one's groups with detach-
ment corresponds to the advocacy by noted critical thinking theorist Richard
Paul of what he calls "strong sense" critical thinking, i.e. critical thinking which
is not egocentric or sociocentric.
Russell's recognition of the need for judg-
ment sensitive to the details of a particular case corresponds to the emphasis by
Matthew Lipman on the sensitivity of critical thinking to context.
inclusion in the liberal or scientiļ¬c outlook of both a component of assessing
reasons and a contemplative habit of mind parallels Harvey Siegel's characteriz-
ation of a critical thinker as someone who is able to assess reasons and has a
critical spirit.
Russell's recognition, pointed out in Hager's contribution, that
one needs speciļ¬c knowledge as well as general skills and dispositions corre-
sponds to the emphasis by John McPeck on the subject-speciļ¬city of critical
; this correspondence, however, is rather slight, since Russell did not
share McPeck's denial that there are general critical thinking skills, dispositions
and attitudes, and did not reduce the "critical outlook" to the epistemology of
the disciplines.
In a brief ļ¬nal note, "Russell at McMaster University", Griļ¬n describes the
Russell Archives at McMaster Univ ersity and the work of the Bertrand Russell
Research Centre.
There is no evidence that Russell's writings had a signiļ¬cant inļ¬uence on
contemporary work in the philosophy of education on the conceptualization of
critical thinking, or conversely that early work on this conceptualization inļ¬u-
enced Russell's thinking. But there is certainly a striking overlap of views about
education, well brought out by Hare in his paper and by the contributors
to this special issue of Inquiry .
Richard Paul, Critical Thinking: What Every Person Needs to Survive in a Rapidly Changing
World (Santa Rosa, Calif.: Foundation for Critical Thinking, ).
Matthew Lipman, Thinking in Education (Cambridge: Cambridge U. P., ).
Harvey Siegel, Educating Reason: Rationality, Critical Thinking, and Education (New York:
Routledge, ).
John McPeck, Critical Thinking and Education (New York: St. Martin's P., ).
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